Sullenberger Aviation Museum

Sullenberger Aviation Museum, North Carolina.

Sullenberger Aviation Museum

North Carolina, USA

Exhibition Design. Graphic Design. Content Development. Construction.


“Miracle on the Hudson" Airbus A320 serves as a powerful symbol of safety in modern flight.


The "Miracle on the Hudson" Airbus A320, which famously landed on the Hudson River in 2009 following an engine failure caused by a bird strike, has a permanent home at the newly renamed Sullenberger Aviation Museum. This museum honours the remarkable skill and bravery of Captain Chesley "Sully" Sullenberger and his crew. Their story, alongside the passengers with the aircraft and artifacts, are the centrepiece of the 35,000-square-foot purpose-built facility, focusing on aviation innovation and safety.

Previously known as the Carolinas Aviation Museum, the Sullenberger Aviation Museum, located in Charlotte, North Carolina, underwent a significant transformation over five years.

FRD's involvement included master planning, curation, exhibition design, graphic design, and multimedia and lighting direction. FRD collaborated closely with the museum team. Together, we reimagined and redesigned the museum with a keen focus on stories from the Carolinas to create a unique visitor attraction that ignites curiosity and inspires people of all ages and backgrounds.


The centrepiece is a show that follows the flight path of Flight 1549 using the real flight recording between Captain Sullenberger and Air Traffic Controller Patrick Harten, together with passenger recollections, to create an emotionally gripping narrative. Lighting and sound effects produce an experience that, while not recreating the passengers' ordeal, brings recognition to the bravery and trauma of all those involved.


The exhibits are a journey through time and innovation, explaining how aircraft and artefacts contribute to the broader story of aviation over the past century. With the vision to be a gateway to aviation history, the museum engages visitors on multiple levels through multimedia, graphics, objects, and simulators. With the added dimension of augmented reality, visitors are encouraged to explore the unique features of each aircraft and understand their historical significance.


Showcasing people on a scale comparable to aircraft, Sullenberger Aviation Museum illuminates the human stories of ingenuity and tenacity.


The museum shines a light on the diverse career opportunities within the aerospace industry. Through showcases of historical artifacts, tangible evidence, and personal anecdotes, alongside an expansive multimedia display, visitors are taken on a journey through the significant social milestones that have shaped aviation. Engaging interactive games invite visitors to step into the shoes of aircraft engineers and flight nurses firsthand, while insightful interviews uncover lesser-known professions within the aviation sector. 

With a genuine aim to ignite curiosity for all ages, the museum aims to inspire the younger generation to explore and pursue rewarding careers in aviation.