
Fitzroy Crossing


Fitzroy Crossing Cultural Centre

Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre, Australia

Masterplan. Project Brief.


The project brief created by FRD, Tracker and Bateman Architects builds on earlier work by the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre (KALACC), supporters and the wider community. It adds detail and precision on the function, philosophy and physical requirements of the new Cultural Centre. Further, this project brief sets out the next stages on the development of the Cultural Centre.

Few places in Australia combine culture, country and identity as the Kimberley does. A thousand generations of Aboriginal occupation are reflected in the linguistic and cultural diversity of saltwater, river and desert people. More recent settler history is also prominent, while the dynamic landscapes of the Kimberley combine to weave the region into Australia’s national identity.

It is this richness, of past and present, of Aboriginal ownership and shared histories that drives the aspiration of the Kimberley Aboriginal Law and Culture Centre and the wider Fitzroy Crossing and Kimberley communities to establish a Cultural Centre.